“It was said that the veil between this world and the next was at its thinnest on the night of All Hallows Eve.”

Welcome to the Order of the Thinned Veil!
We are a society of like-minded individuals who choose to live our lives steeped in the legends, lore and customs of Halloween. What does that mean? Well, for us Halloween is anything but just a day in October, it is a lifestyle and a lens by which we view the world around us.
The Order of the Thinned Veil is a tiered style of membership for the year. There are four levels of membership and each has it’s own set of perks such as exclusive artwork, a newsletter, certificates and contests!
Members will occasionally have access to exclusive items available ONLY to current Order of the Thinned Veil members.
Options for membership are as follows and are a ONE TIME FEE. This is NOT a recurring monthly subscription. Once you sign up, you’re a member for the year of 2024!
Just a to clarify a few points:
The Order of the Thinned Veil is meant to be a year long Halloween experience. If you order at the All Hallows level for example, you’ll be receiving multiple shipments throughout the year, not everything all at once. Candy Corn levels will all ship out together first in June, followed by Trick or Treat in Early Summer and All Hallows in Early Fall. This was always the original conception and may not have been clear last year. Halloween should be celebrated all year long!
Memberships are for the calendar year of 2024. Whether you sign up today or next month, all memberships expire on December 31st.
You can upgrade your membership level at any time! Just shoot us an email at theorderofthethinnedveil@gmail.com and we’ll take care of it.
Welcome to year eight of the Order of the Thinned Veil!
It’s amazing that we’ve done eight years of the Order of the Thinned Veil! It’s always heartwarming to think that a small idea hatched over a few drinks has grown into a beloved and anticipated event in so many people’s lives. If you’re a returning member, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts that you’ve enjoyed what we do enough to come back and if you’re a legacy member (since the beginning) you truly are the reason why we do what we do here at the OTV.
Theme isn’t something we discuss when putting together the art for each year. We both work independently and when the time comes to show each other what we’ve come up with for the year we are both amused that we’re on the same wavelength or more appropriately channeling the same spirits. The theme seems to emerge after the fact and this year the theme seems to be light. A lit Jack O’Lantern, phosphorescent skulls, an illuminated doorstep and a glowing cauldron all call to mind the inherent warmth and joy that resides in each heart that honors All Hallows. A light in the darkness is always necessary and especially now.
Unfortunately, we will only be offering subscriptions to the US and Canada for the foreseeable future. With the ever rising cost of shipping internationally, new tariffs and forms for keep track of and the constant thorn of lost packages in our side, this was a decision we grudgingly had to agree to. If you are able to have someone in the states purchase and ship a membership for you or the use of a proxy shipping company we definitely encourage this. We do apologize for any inconvenience.
Lastly, we wanted to mention that shipments will follow the same routine as last year. The Candy Corn level shipment will include everything shown but later shipments will be broken up. Sam will ship prints and Jason will ship sculptures. We found that this worked very well last year and helped streamline the process of shipping so many packages.
As always, we hope you enjoy all of the art we put together for you to enjoy. We both feel that this might be our best year yet!
Happy Halloween!
Jason & Sam
(Memberships close May 31st)
Candy Corn Level
The Candy Corn level is our basic membership package and includes the following:
“Haunted Scarecrow” by Jason McKittrick -Inspired by a particular melted popcorn scarecrow decoration (you know the one) that hung on the front door of my home every October of my childhood. My interpretation adds a bit more creepiness to the original design. Cast in black resin and individually hand painted. Comes ready to display with attached metal latch. (Measures 5.5″ across)
“Crypt by Candle” by Sam Heimer – 5”x7” digital print. My theme this year was ‘flashlights, matches and the moon’. I’ve always been mesmerized by Halloween light sources and wanted to play around with how they often set the mood more than the contents of a scene. “Crypt by Candle” is a love-letter to the loneliness of death and how one can be completely surrounded by bodies and yet completely isolated.
OTV Enamel Membership Pin – The official seal of the Order of the Thinned Veil for 2024 and symbol of membership. (Pins currently in production)
2024 Welcome Letter -Lisa Morton, author of The Halloween Encyclopedia, Trick or Treat: A History of Halloween and Ghosts: A Haunted History and many others, returns again this year with an artfully crafted welcome letter about the history of decorating for Halloween. (If you don’t already own them, Lisa’s books are required reading for any OTV member!)
Order of the Thinned Veil Membership Certificate – Proof that you’re a card-carrying member in the OTV for 2024! Hand inscribed and signed by founders Jason McKittrick and Sam Heimer. Comes in a midnight black envelope with an orange Jack O’Lantern emblazoned wax seal.
*The Candy Corn Membership Package is 2 shipments. *
$90 each
Trick or Treat Level
The Trick or Treat Level is our mid-range membership package and includes: All items from Candy Corn Level plus the items listed below!
“The Glowing Ghoul” by Jason McKittrick –”In unnamed towns across the American midwest, there exists a cautionary tale about the dangers that lurk on the night of All Hallows. The story goes that on Halloween night a particularly frightful spirit roams the streets and back alleys of these towns and seeks vengeance on those who would delight in causing harm or bringing ill intent to the hallowed festival of Autumn. It is said that to be unfortunate enough to glimpse the skull and bones of the Glowing Ghoul was an ominous All Hallows warning, and that catastrophe was nigh. It’s been said that some have been injured, maimed or even killed by this ghastly wraith and it is even whispered that the ghoul is the soul of a murdered reveler from many Halloween’s past seeking revenge from beyond the veil.”
Cast in black and glow in the dark resin and individually hand painted. (Stands 6.25″ tall)
“Sentinel” by Sam Heimer – 8”x10” digital print. Continuing with my theme of Halloween light sources, a personal favorite has always been the light thrown by a house into a dark night, especially when the front door is open to trick-or-treaters. It almost converts the porch into a brief theater production. The warm light coming from windows almost makes a colossal Jack O’Lantern and also a beacon that the home is amenable to revelers.
*The Trick or Treat Membership Package is broken up into 3 separate shipments. *
$200 each
All Hallows Level
The All Hallows Level is one of our top-tier membership option and includes all items from Candy Corn and Trick or Treat Levels plus the items listed below!
“The Cornfield Oracle” by Jason McKittrick –”The old gods of the harvest are mysterious. Where they originate and what their ultimate intentions are shall remain forever obscured to mankind. We pass down their rituals and celebrate their festival but as the generations continue on, the true meaning of why we do what we do in service to All Hallows becomes lost.
A story survives of the earliest encounters with the spirits of the harvest that involve the seeking of knowledge from one known as the “Cornfield Oracle”. It was said that deep in the golden cornfields of Autumn, an entity resided that would grant you the answer to your most desired question…if you were intrepid enough to locate it. Comprised of the roots of the deep earth and wearing a carved pumpkin as a head, this elusive entity whisked through the land cloaked in a cape of corn husks awaiting one fast enough or clever enough to find him.
If one was able to hunt down the gourd topped apparition and utter the proper words in the “old tongue” in his presence, the Cornfield Oracle would present the persistent individual with a single brightly colored kernel of corn. They were instructed to ingest the kernel and once swallowed the knowledge they sought would be made evident. The ingesting of the kernel also joined the individual to the gods of the harvest, and they would be tasked in disseminating their traditions to others for the rest of their days.
It is said that the Oracle still exists today in lonely cornfields where the old ways still hold sway.”
Cast in black and orange resin and individually hand painted. (Stands 6.25″)
“We Kindly Asked You Only Take One” by Sam Heimer – 9”x12” digital print. Halloween is one of those rare nights when the phantasmagoria is so thick and palpable you have to illuminate things to fully grasp what it is you’re witnessing. Like the body found last year that folks assumed were Halloween decorations but was in fact a corpse. I like to imagine with all the festive goings on, punishment could be doled out in public, witnessed by many, and the grim result would not be fully understood until the act culminates.
The Order of the Thinned Veil Title– Jason and Sam will bestow upon you a personalized title within the Order. No two are the same!
*The All Hallows Membership Package is broken up into four separate shipments. *
$300 each
Jack O’Lantern Level
The Jack O’Lantern level is an exclusive platinum tier membership and is limited to ONLY 31 slots! It includes all items mentioned above plus the following:
“Conjurer’s Cauldron” by Jason McKittrick –”A green skinned witch hunched over a cauldron while concocting a mysterious bubbling brew is perhaps the most iconic image of classic Halloween. While these shunned hideous crones were meant to evoke revulsion and fear in children, witches to me are a symbol of alternative wisdom.
Being raised primarily by women, I have always held a profound respect for the deep, powerful and sometimes mysterious knowledge held by them. One of the fondest memories of my grandmother was a time when I very much needed her advice, and we talked while she cooked us something over the stove. Before long I had consumed her “magic elixir”, guidance had been imparted and I was on my way feeling instantly better. She has since passed but I still very much value her guidance and seek the same from my mother, who has assuredly taken on the role of family wise woman as well. I marvel at the alchemy that a women’s presence naturally radiates, and the witch is a metaphor for all of this.
She’s the one who has seen it all, can’t be fooled and endeavors to provide sustenance to those around her cauldron whether it be through nutrition, knowledge or nuance. Let’s hear it for the witches in our lives!”
Cast in black resin and individually hand painted. Includes led flickering candle with replaceable battery. (Stands 6″)
“Kicking and Screaming” by Sam Heimer – 9”x12” digital print. Playing off the previous piece, I wanted to stick with Punishment and lighting. Death is ever-present in Halloween, and punishment has always been an undercurrent. Whisperings about curses and superstitions, the proverbial trick of the treat, the retribution if one extinguishes or even worse, smashes a Jack O’Lantern and things along those lines. Halloween is loved by all children, but all the more by the rebellious and occasionally sadistic and prone to bullying, and what better a night for them to learn sometimes there is retribution.
* The Jack O’Lantern Level is five separate shipments. *
$425 each
“text-align: center;”>MEMBERSHIPS CLOSE MAY 31ST!